Asp Bootstrap Multiple Image File Upload Example -preview

  • Satyaprakash Samantaray
  • Updated engagement May 09, 2017
  • 41.1k
  • 3

This weblog teaches you that Bootstrap is a free, open up-source UI framework developed past Twitter.


Bootstrap is a free, open-source UI framework developed by Twitter to create responsive Web Applications.

It includes HTML and CSS based design templates along with the optional JavaScript extensions.

Bootstrap tin be used with any server side applied science and any platform. You can utilize it with any web awarding built with any server side engineering science like ASP.NET, Coffee, PHP etc.


It helps us to create responsive Web Applications faster and easier. A responsive Web Application automatically adapts to the unlike screen sizes (i.e. desktop computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones etc.) i.e easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning and scrolling across a wide range of devices. It is a multiplatform support interface.

Every bit Bootstrap is the most popular framework, it has a very large community base and excellent documentation.


To become started with Bootstrap, the start pace is to download Bootstrap from
This Website also has all the documentation, which you need to become started with Bootstrap.

Unzip the Cypher folder and yous should see the folder construction given below. Notice at that place are 3 sub-folders (css, fonts & js).

Let united states of america understand the utilise of each file, folder past folder.

CSS part description

This is the core CSS for BootStrap, which defines all the style for the various controls and the components.
When debugging the minified code, the line numbers practise not refer to the orignal files. The file that has the .map extension, which is as well called as source map file fixes this problem by assuasive the Web debuggers to refer to the original context from where the code was generated. This file is useful during the development.

This is the compressed version, which means all the whitespaces, line breaks and whatsoever other extra characters, which have been removed. Equally a result, the size of the minified file is smaller than the not-minified file. Minified version is usually used on a production Server for an efficient download, whereas the non minified version is used in the evolution surroundings, as it is more than readable and easy to debug, if at that place are bug.
Source map file for bootstrap.min.css

As the name suggests, this is the theme for bootstrap. Adding the core bootstrap.css is enough for Bootstrap to work. The theme file is optional and is usually used for a visually enhanced feel. For example, if you desire 3D effects, gradients, shadows etc.
Source map file for bootstrap-theme.css

Minified version of bootstrap-theme.css
Source map file for bootstrap-theme.min.css

Font function clarification

At that place are 5 different font files from Glyphicons. These 5 unlike files are just different formats of the Glyphicon font to back up different Browsers.

JS part description

These JavaScript files are optional.

These are required, if you desire to utilize Bootstrap widgets like picture show carousel, dropdown menus, collapsible accordian etc. One important thing to keep in mind is that Boostrap JavaScript has a dependency on jQuery, then a reference to jQuery must also be on the page, where you want to use Bootstrap.

This is the non-minified readable version, which is commonly used during the development.

Minified version of bootstrap.js is optimized for the faster download. This is the version, which is usually used in a product surround.

npm is a file from Node.js and is used for npm installing Bootstrap. If y'all are new to Node.js, don't worry, as this is not going to come in the way to understand Bootstrap.


The viewport meta tag ensures proper rendering and touch zooming on a mobile device.

Step one

Create a MVC Application named SatyaMVCBootstrapImages.

Step 2

Add together the downloaded Bootstrap folder from site mentioned higher up.

Step 3

Add four images in an Images folder. You lot take to add this new nolder in the project.

Pace 4Add a controller named HomeController.cs.

  1. using  System;
  2. using  Arrangement.Collections.Generic;
  3. using  Organization.Linq;
  4. using  System.Web;
  5. using  Organisation.Spider web.Mvc;
  6. namespace  SatyaMVCBootstrapImages.Controllers
  7. {
  8. public course  HomeController : Controller
  9.     {
  10. public  ActionResult Index()
  11.         {
  12. return  View();
  13.         }
  14.     }
  15. }

Stride five

Add a view named Index.cshtml.

  1. @{
  2.     ViewBag.Title ="Satyaprakash Bootstrap Image Show" ;
  3. }
  4. <championship>@ViewBag.Title</title>
  5. <link href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"  rel= "stylesheet" >
  6. <div>
  7.     <h2 style="groundwork-color: Xanthous;color: Blue; text-align: center; font-manner: oblique" >Satyaprakash Bootstrap Image Show</h2>
  8.     <fieldset>
  9.         <fable style="colour:orangered" >Company Logo Prove In Multiple Platform</legend>
  10.             <divcourse = "col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-half dozen" >
  11.                 <a href="Images/2.png" course = "thumbnail" >
  12.                     <p>C# Corner</p>
  13.                     <img src="Images/2.png" />
  14.                 </a>
  15.             </div>
  16.             <divgrade = "col-lg-3 col-medico-four col-sm-6" >
  17.                 <a href="Images/4.png" class = "thumbnail" >
  18.                     <p>Google</p>
  19.                     <img src="Images/4.png" />
  20.                 </a>
  21.             </div>
  22.             <divclass = "col-lg-3 col-doctor-4 col-sm-6" >
  23.                 <a href="Images/five.png" course = "thumbnail" >
  24.                     <p>Microsoft</p>
  25.                     <img src="Images/5.png"  />
  26.                 </a>
  27.             </div>
  28.             <divcourse = "col-lg-three col-md-4 col-sm-6" >
  29.                 <a href="Images/6.jpg" class = "thumbnail" >
  30.                     <p>Google</p>
  31.                     <img src="Images/6.jpg" />
  32.                 </a>
  33.             </div>
  34.     </fieldset>
  35. </div>
  36. <footer>
  37.     <p mode="background-color: Yellow; font-weight: bold; color:blue; text-align: center; font-style: oblique" >
  38.         ©
  39.         <script> certificate.write(new  Engagement().toDateString()); </script>
  40.     </p>
  41. </footer>


Here, I added Bootstrap CSS file to brand an effect on an prototype role.

  1. <link href= "bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"  rel= "stylesheet" >

Thus, with these 3 these grid classes in place, nosotros get 4 equal columns on a medium device, 4 equal columns on a large device and 4 equal columns on a pocket-size device.

Desktop View

Mobile View

Click an Epitome name linked to View in thumbnail format.


  1. What is Bootstrap In ASP.NET MVC?
  2. How to get Bootstarp CSS, font and JS files.
  3. How to use in View part of ASP.Cyberspace MVC.
  4. Bank check for multiplatform support regarding UI's purpose.


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